
class xpolbeamline.events.ExtractionChain[source]

Bases: object

Event extraction chain with good default settings


fitsimage : sting

Path to fits image file


events : astropy.table.Table

Event table

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

add_header(evt, hdr) Add all keywords in header to meta info of evt table.
add_islands(evt, image) Extract 5x5 and 3x3 event islands from image at FRAME, X, Y pos in evt
bkg_remover(image) Remove median for each column from image
correct_xy_roi(evt) Add offset to X,Y coordinates based on ROI
descr(obj) Return class or function name
evt_identify(image[, sigma_clip_level, …]) Find the events of the given image.

Attributes Documentation

process_steps = OrderedDict([('ENERGY', <function energy_from_island>), ('GRADE', <function acis_grade>), ('ASCA', <function asca_grade>), ('HOTPIX', <function hotpixelbyoccurence>), ('ONEDGE', <function ExtractionChain.<lambda>>), ('d2nextevt', <function dist2nextevent>), ('CONFUSED', <function ExtractionChain.<lambda>>), ('energy_good', <function ExtractionChain.<lambda>>), ('GOOD', <function ExtractionChain.<lambda>>)])

Methods Documentation

add_header(evt, hdr)[source]

Add all keywords in header to meta info of evt table.

This function also adds a few keywords of its own.


evt : astropy.table.Table

Event table

hdr : astropy.io.fits.Header

Fits header

static add_islands(evt, image)

Extract 5x5 and 3x3 event islands from image at FRAME, X, Y pos in evt


evt : astropy.table.Table

Event table

image : np.array of shape (frame, x, y)

3d background subtracted image

static bkg_remover(image)

Remove median for each column from image


image : np.array of shape (frame, x, y)

original image


bkgremoved : np.array of same shape as image

Copy of image with background removed


Add offset to X,Y coordinates based on ROI

static descr(obj)[source]

Return class or function name


obj : object


name : string

name of class (for objects or classes) or function

static evt_identify(image, sigma_clip_level=5, peak_size=3)

Find the events of the given image.

This function identifies local maxima, using some cuts.


image : np.array of shape (frame, x, y)

background subtracted image

sigma_clip_level : float

Level for sigma clipping

peak_size : int

Event are recognized, if they are highest pixel in an island of size (peacksize * peak_size).


events : astropy.table.Table

Event table