class xpolbeamline.ui.UI(inpath, statspath, outpath=None)[source]

Bases: object

Simple User Interface to the xpolbeamline package

This class provides a simple user interface to the most important functionality of the xpolbeamline package. If provides a quick way to convert the tif files from the CCD camera and display a quicklook analysis to check that everything went well before taking the next exposure.

An UI object is initialized with the path to the raw data, the statsfile, and an output path. After that, the methods work on the files in that directory.


inpath : string

Path to the raw data (tif and txt files). Can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

statspath : string

Path to the statfiles. This can include the filename for the statsfile. If the filename is not given, the converter will try to construct the filename using our normal file naming convention. Path can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

outpath : string or None

Path where output files are written. Can be absolute or relative to the current working directory. If not given or set to None, this defaults to use the same location as inpath.

Attributes Summary

inpath Path to the raw data (tif and txt files).
outpath Path where output files are written.
statspath Path to the statfiles.

Methods Summary

convert(filename) Convert file from tif and txt to fits image and event list.
convert_display(filename) Convert tif files and display quicklook
convert_display_newest() Convert most recenly modified tif file and display quicklook

Attributes Documentation

inpath = '.'

Path to the raw data (tif and txt files).

Can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

outpath = '.'

Path where output files are written.

Can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

statspath = '.'

Path to the statfiles.

This can include the filename for the statsfile. If the filename is not given, the converter will try to construct the filename using our normal file naming convention. Path can be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

Methods Documentation


Convert file from tif and txt to fits image and event list.


filename : string

Name of file (no path)


out : string

Filename of fits image

evt : astropy.table.Table

Events table


Convert tif files and display quicklook


filename : string

Name of file and path relative to the path where python is running.


out : string

Filename of fits image

evt : astropy.table.Table

Events table

fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure

Figure instance that can be used to save to file or to further modify the figure.


Convert most recenly modified tif file and display quicklook

It searches for the newest file in the inpath property of the UI object.


out : string

Filename of fits image

evt : astropy.table.Table

Events table