Convert from tif to fits image

Reference / API

xpolbeamline.sitkconverter Module


parse_txt(filename) Parse the txt files that LabView writes with every tiff file
format_txt_as_header(txt) Format a txt dict to make it easy to insert into a fits header
read_stats_file(filename) Read the stats file and parse its values.
summarize_stats(start, exptime, stats[, …]) Find entries in statsfile for a specific dataset and summarize them.
tiff2fitsimg(filename, outpath[, statfile, …]) Convert tif files and associated txt to fits image
addstats2img(filename, statfile[, rename]) Update header information in a fits image from the stats file


TxtParseError Error class for problems when parsing txt files from LabView
StatsFileError Error class for problems with stats files
InconsistentDataException Error class when txt file and tiff or fits data are not consistent

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of xpolbeamline.sitkconverter.TxtParseError, xpolbeamline.sitkconverter.StatsFileError, xpolbeamline.sitkconverter.InconsistentDataException